Parcells "consulting" again?? Bill We though you were retiring??

This is Priceless! See my Slant at the end!

Parcells as adviser?
Team source says he would be welcome as consultant to GM

Newsday Staff Writer

January 24, 2007

Bill Parcells has been a de facto adviser for the Jets in the past year, supplying answers and guidance to both general manager Mike Tannenbaum and coach Eric Mangini throughout their first season at the helm. Now that Parcells has retired as the coach of the Cowboys, though, his role with the Jets could become more formal.

The man who coached the team from 1997-99 and was the general manager in 2000 could soon return as a consultant, a move that would be welcomed by the Jets, according to a team source.

"There have been no conversations," the person said, "but you always want to leave the door open."

Unlike some of his other coaching stops, Parcells' departure from the Jets was relatively amicable. He has a solid relationship with owner Woody Johnson and has been a mentor for Tannenbaum and Mangini. It was Parcells who originally hired Tannenbaum for the Jets in 1997. Had Parcells accepted the coaching job in Tampa Bay after the 2001 season, he likely would have taken Tannenbaum with him as a general manager there.

Both Mangini and Tannenbaum have said they run many of their football ideas past Parcells before moving forward on them. His blessing is believed to have been influential in the Jets' decision to hire Mangini last winter, a move largely orchestrated by Tannenbaum.

Parcells has made no indication he wants to return to the Jets, or to the NFL for that matter. He will likely be wooed by television networks that will offer more money than the Jets for his on-air analysis. But if he does rejoin Gang Green, he would likely find the non-demanding role as consultant a semi-retirement that would allow him to maintain a position in the league while avoiding the day-to-day minutiae that he said was a part of his decision to leave the Cowboys. He would also add clout -- and two Super Bowl rings -- to the Jets' front office.

And My Take:
Yeah Ok: like the Jets really need clout with guys like Mike Westhoff and Bob Sutton on their staff. While i Know that It doesn't hurt to have a "Smart Uncle" to run to with tough questions, how long before Bill gets the Itch Again? or when The Boys Genius have two bad years in a row(like maybe the next two years) and Ol Woody J says " Bill, fix this for me" You don't think he won't step back in "for the good of the team"? It's a good move anyway,....but Parcells will go TV before he takes a job with another team so quickly.

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