New NFL Website Still Places League In New Media Catch-Up Mode

This is a copy of an email I wrote to Greg Aiello regarding the new website:

Hi Greg,

I hope you had a nice vacation. Here's my feedback on the website. I like the design, but what concerns me are small things. For example, if I click on a player, just that person's name -- John Abbate -- comes up in the title page. That's it. There's no repeat of his name in the title of the page -- nothing for a search engine to chew on.

Thus, if I type his name in Google, it doesn't show the NFL page. The number one page is for the Wake Forest Site.

My point is that the site's fine, the presentation of video's better, but it does not reflect an understanding of the need to use natural search to generate traffic to the site.

On top of that, there's no social network functionality and no connection to blogs. It's almost -- but not quite -- state of the

Hope you're well.



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