Top 2 set just about as morningside squander plenty of chances

Morningside will be extremely dissapointed with yesterdays output. Too many skill error and not kicking goals when they were desperately needed. It looked like they were getting back into old habbits with so many behinds in the space ofr 3 quarters and that's where they blew the game. it was certainly a struggle for both teams in the first 2qtrs and after half time the vultures pounced and the siders simply stopped and looked on as players like Ash Evans and co ran rampant. Ash Evans was best on ground for mine with Dean page who was leading strongly all day for the vultures. The loss leaves the siders in 3rd with a gameclear of the vultures with 3 games to go till finals and the vultures are a game clear in 4th and looking at a home final in the first week of the finals...

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