Top Ten Reasons Why Madden 10 Sucks

  • 10. Online games freezes after a challenge. This has happened to me countless times already, and is getting annoying. It is even more likely to freeze if you challenge a play in the 4th quarter. I pay money to be on Xbox Live, and it should never freeze!
  • 9. Wildcat too difficult to stop. I hate trying to defend the damn wildcat. I just played some guy who used the Titans, and this guy ran the wildcat every down. Chris Johnson is already hard enough to stop, but now madden has this super cheese wildcat that makes it near impossible to stop.
  • 8. Can't flip audibles. Now for whatever reason I run the best to the left. Well when i go to set my audibles for offense, I can't flip a run play to make it go left. This is just irritating.
  • 7. What's up with every teams DBs being Super Stars? You can run a cover 2 defense, and manually move your safety to the line of scrimmage. Then after the snap manually drop him back, and somehow get 30 yards down field in time to make an interception. I don't care if the safety has a 99 speed, he should not be able to cover that much ground.
  • 6. No formation subs. In the past you could pause the game, and then set up your subs on offense or defense to keep guys from getting fatigued, and to create better match ups. Now you can only sub while calling your play, and if your lucky you can sub in two players with enough time to call your play.
  • 5. Press coverage works too well. Another reason why I say every team has Super Star DBs, is CBs seem to always be able to jam WRs at the line. You can press WRs all game, and never get fatigued. Also go routes are extremely hard to execute. The DB almost always has position, and breaks it up or gets a pick.
  • 4. FIELD GOAL HOLDING PENALTIES!!!!! Damn this is annoying. They supposedly fixed this with the latest patch, but I am still getting them a lot. I had 3 straight holding calls on an extra point attempt today! I also just setup for a chip shot field goal with 3 seconds left, and I lost the game because of holding. WTF!!! In the NFL holding is almost never called on field goals. This has to change.
  • 3. QB Sneak BLOWS! QB sneak is more than likely a play that will fail in Madden 10. Instead of being able to just drive forward for a yard, QBs now always dive to the ground. I tried to sneak on a 4th-and-inches with McNabb, and he fell right to the ground on his face. Turnover on downs. Why did Madden ruin this play?
  • 2. Fight for the fumble every time? Now I think having a pile up for a fumble, and fighting for the ball was a cool idea. The problem is you have to fight for a fumble almost every time! Even when your guy clearly lands on the ball, if another guy is near by you better start hitting buttons fast!
  • 1. CLOCK RUNOFF!!!! I HATE this feature. It is the stupidest feature in Madden history. It's bad enough that you only play 5 minute quarters in ranked games, but now I have to contend with the play clock being low all the time! It is especially bad on a change of possession. You get about 9 seconds when you reach the line, and if your play looks bad forget about getting an audible with a different formation in time. I have literally had to call timeout on the first play of the game, because the play looked bad, and the clock was winding down. Forgetting about motioning players too. You will probably get a false start. Whatever happened to being able to read a defense? Now I have to hurry up with everything, and it blows.

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