Reponse to Bang Cartoon Radio Hour - Episode 138

A few days ago me, and fellow chatter Bang aka John, from the very funny site had a debate over the West Virginia "freeze" play video(below) from a few years ago.

Bang felt this video above was some sort of trick play, and that some how having half of your team stand still was some sort of advantage to the offense. I tried to explain what what actually going on during the play, but Bang insisted that this was a trick play to confuse the defense. The funniest part is he then followed this up, by mentioning the conversation on his radio show, and making fun of me, when indeed he could not be more incorrect on the subject.

The "freeze" play, has everything to do with off sides. Some college coaches are teaching their offensive lineman to "freeze" when a defensive player jumps off sides or in the neutral zone. The logic behind this, is to make sure that when a defensive player jumps off sides, that there is no confusion as to whether or not the play is off sides or a false start. How many times have you seen pre snap penalties where players from both teams are pointing at each other as to who jumped first, and officials huddle up because they are unsure as who the penalty is on? That probably happens every other game in football. To prevent this issue, Rich Rodriguez, and other college coaches teach their lineman to "freeze" if they think a player jumps.

Now if you watch that video carefully, you see exactly what I am talking about.

PLAY 1: At 0:25 seconds, you see the snap of the ball for the first play. Now the center does a bob type of motion(which could be a false start) right before the snap, and it appears that the right end at least jumps in the neutral zone, and the two other down lineman are also close to jumping early. A flag was thrown, but later picked up. To the WVU lineman, it appeared like they had drawn the opposing team off sides, and that is why they all froze like that.

Now get the video to 0:53 seconds. If you see the center does the same type of bob motion right before he snaps the ball, and it appears that the right defensive tackle jumped early. Again the offensive line seeing this, does what they are taught to do, and this is to stand perfectly still until the entire play is over.

The announcer who claimed this was some sort of trick on the first play, admits he has no idea what they were doing on the second play.

Now I tried to show bang this video about Florida State Offensive Lineman Discipline, but by the time I got to the video, bang had left the room.

Watch this below, and you will see the same thing I explained in the WVU video.

Now that is an announcer who knows what he is talking about! It is all about the off sides, and nothing to do with a trick. Now it just looks so funny that they stay perfectly still the entire time, but that is what the discipline is all about. The conventional football mind, argues that you are almost wasting a free play when you do this, and that is why you do not see many teams practice it.

I am sure many of you have seen this recent FSU video on ESPN's C'MON MAN! segment. This kid is actually not retarded, but only practicing the FSU oline discipline when he thinks the player in front of him got an early jump. The problem was the jump was not early enough to draw a flag, and nobody else on the line stayed still. This is where the discipline backfires, and makes the team and this kid look very bad.

I respect bang's football knowledge, and I like his cartoons, and radio show, but I have to call it like I see it. I am right, and he is wrong in this particular case. Now all I ask for, is a formal retraction, and apology on episode 139.

One thing said on the show that is correct, is that I am now an admin in the Bang Cartoon Radio Hour paltalk chat room. If your feeling like a tough guy, then come on in, and debate some football with me. I especially enjoy talking about the Eagles, and I am very passionate about them. If your not a football expert like myself, do not even try me. You will be put in your place very fast.

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