The Brett Favre Saga Continues...

The Following Reports are from KFFL:

Updating a previous item, Jay Glazer, of, reports Minnesota Vikings players have said that free-agent QB Brett Favre (Jets) is on his way to Minnesota and they believe a deal could be done as early as the evening of Tuesday, Aug. 18. According to one player, the deal seems to be a formality. "I'm telling you it's already done ... I don't think anyone here doesn't think that," the player said.

WDAM-TV reports free-agent QB Brett Favre (Jets) boarded a plane from Hattiesburg, Miss., Tuesday morning Aug. 18, and was heading to Minnesota. According to WDAM, Favre boarded the plane by himself and said, "We may know something by dinner," in regards to a deal with the Minnesota Vikings.

Ed Werder, of ESPN, reports free-agent QB Brett Favre (Jets) has a slight tear in his rotator cuff. The Minnesota Vikings, however, are aware of the injury.

Updating an ongoing story, Chris Mortensen, of ESPN, reports doctors have told free-agent QB Brett Favre (Jets) that his injured shoulder is as good as it is going to be at his age.

Judd Zulgad, of the Minneapolis Star Tribune, reports a top Minnesota Vikings official confirmed Tuesday, Aug. 18, that free-agent QB Brett Favre (Jets) was en route to Minnesota and on board one of team owner Zygi Wilf's planes. Favre is expected to sign Tuesday, Aug. 18, and might even practice with the team. Favre is also expected to start in the team's next preseason game. According to a source, the Vikings began actively re-recruiting Favre Wednesday, Aug. 12, after QBs Tarvaris Jackson and Sage Rosenfels had a particularly rough practice. The Vikings also had concerns about Jackson after he suffered a sprained medial collateral ligament in his left knee on the second day of practice.

By, "TheKrazySays"

:Original Post:

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