Michael Vick

For quite some time now everyone and their mother have been saying, "No team will sign Michael Vick," and this week some people are still saying that. Personally, that man is too talented to not be in the NFL. He will be playing this season in the NFL. But the question remains, which team? I have a few ideas.

I can see teams like the Browns, Raiders, Jaguars and 49ers possibly making a run at Michael Vick with contract offers. There will be a few teams that will pursue this talented QB. Most teams right now will be playing 'dumb' which is what most teams do when it comes to players like Vick who get into trouble. I am also expecting the contract he signs to be between 2 and 4 years in length.

The 49ers have Shaun Hill. Who?! Right now the Raiders have that fat boy bust in Jamarcus Russell - I would much rather watch Jamarcus Russell pick his nose than watch him throw a football. And the Jaguars could really use a QB as well - and I can not even think who their current QB is. And as far as the Browns go I am firm believer that Brady Quinn is not the answer. Brady Quinn at best, in my opinion, is nothing more than a quick-fix and not a long-term solution. He's just another 'pretty-boy' pretending to be an NFL Quarterback. He should be holding the clip board.

Some talk has been going on about Michael Vick going to the Redskins. Which by my view might not be such a bad idea. Their recievers suck as it is, they already have a nice running game and from the looks of it their Defense will be nice and ready to go this year. Defense + Running Attack = Playoffs. And Daniel Snyder has all the money in the planet to get this done. I would not be surprised of Vick ends up a Redskin.

Michael Vick will be playing in the NFL this year at some point. Bank on it.

By, "TheKrazySays"

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